By Shelby

This was another great week. We spent a lot of time catching up with our families in New York. It was great to see everyone and sleep in a real bed for a few days. On Sunday, we had a Memorial Day picnic with Spencer’s extended family.

Monday morning we got brunch with some of Spencer’s friends from high school. After that, we vacuumed out the car. It was already so dirty! It looks much better now. On Monday we also went to Point Au Roche State Park with Spencer’s parents and walked along the shoreline of Lake Champlain. There were good views of both the Green Mountains in Vermont and the Adirondack Mountains in New York. We got ice cream after the walk. Later that night, we had a campfire and made smores.

We both worked Tuesday. After work, we saw the new Top Gun: Maverick movie, which was very good. The original Top Gun is one of my favorites. We worked again on Wednesday. For dinner, we made one of our favorite salmon dishes: Lemon pepper salmon with sweet potatoes, corn, and steamed broccoli. I do miss being able to cook homemade meals like that in an oven.

We left Thursday morning after having breakfast with Spencer’s parents and grandparents. We then drove to Rochester to stay with my family for a few days. I worked in the car along the way. We stopped near the Frederick Douglass – Susan B. Anthony Memorial Bridge to get a picture of the city.

On Friday, Spencer went into his office to have lunch with his coworkers and work a little. I met my grandma for lunch and got new shoes. Spencer also stopped by our storage unit to get a few extra things we left behind. He grabbed some extra sunglasses, cleaning supplies, and a special water bottle and filter. We also had a chance to clean the car at my parents’ house. It was covered in pollen and bugs so it really needed a wash.

We had a get-together with my family on Saturday. It was nice to hear that everyone was enjoying our blog. I got to see my new 8-month-old nephew again. He’s getting so big already. The weather was great so we walked around town and along the Erie Canal.

On Sunday, Spencer and I left my family to go to the Geneseo Air Show. My favorite jet, the F-22 Raptor, was going to do a demonstration, which I was very excited to see. There were also several World War II Era planes flying. We spent a couple of hours watching the planes. It was a very good show and the weather was perfect. Remember to check out our New York page when you’re done reading for more pictures of the airshow!

After the airshow, we drove on to Erie, Pennsylvania, and went to Presque Isle State Park. The park occupies a peninsula on Lake Erie. We found a nice spot on the beach to eat dinner and enjoy a remarkable sunset. We will have an opportunity to see more of Pennsylvania later on in the trip, so we won’t be staying long this time. Our next destination is Ohio.

We both agree that traveling for about a month around New England before returning to New York for a quick visit was a great idea. We got to test everything and decide if we wanted to continue with the trip or not. And it was nice to see our families again before heading west.
Fun Facts from Week 6:
- Kodak Tower, an iconic part of the Rochester skyline, was once the center of a bustling photography industry in the city.
- The Erie Canal was built in 1825 to connect the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean through Upstate NY and New York City.
- The F-22 Raptor is the most expensive aircraft in the US. It costs $150 million per jet.
- Our parents are all totally awesome and we are so lucky to be their kids. We couldn’t have done this trip without them.