Blog Posts from Massachusetts
Photos from Cape Cod and Woburn
Big breakfast to start a big day on Cape Cod Heading right to the tip of Cape Cod The path to the beach So pristine and quiet First selfie in Massachusetts Quite a photographer I think she was taking this picture Tiny sea bird Beautiful beach Looking for that perfect shot Can’t wait to walk through this and ruin it Birds Lots of birds So many birds Instafamous Hey! Look over here Hi Shelby Found a nice big shell Hahahahaha! Thanks for taking so many great pics Shelby! Pretty rocks So much variety in the rocks Two more birds Found the lighthouse Selfie with the lighthouse We got closer Instagram worthy A rare selfie without sunglasses Is that supposed to be there? Right up to the base of the lighthouse Look a plane Had to walk 2 miles through these dunes Carry me? Goodbye lighthouse Land coral! Weird landscape on the tip of the cape Barefoot is best Thought this was cool The telegraph cable shack Evil looking landscape The lighthouse from the chips It is tall Reading up on the history Finishing a long day at the movie At the mall for a rainy morning Trying something new Raw oysters! And fried clam chowder Nice view at the restaurant Shelby loves clams Moving on to Plymouth Is this really the rock where they landed? Replica of the Mayflower Nice plaque Tours cost too much $$$ Very historic town Grave of William Bradford And his son? Still cold and windy Cool corn grinding mill She’s cold but I still make her take pictures Funky robot at a grocery store She likes smelling trees Working at this cool library It’s old in the front and new in the back So cool inside Same architect who designed Trinity Church in Boston Our office for the week Microwaving some noodles for dinner A nice hot meal
Photos from Boston and Salem
Can’t pass up on an appetizer sampler Chopsticks newbie I scream for ice cream Making oatmeal for breakfast Minute man park, first battle of the American Revolution Gotta smell the lilacs first Walking along the battle road Reading up on the history Long trail, beautiful warm day Captain William Smith house More reading Lots of reading Protective frame was built around the original chimney structure Selfie time This was a grave site for British soldiers More old buildings Ye old tavern Who is Jacob Wittlemore? “Wait, look at these pretty flowers” Lots of walking I don’t think this building was important Finally warm enough for shorts! Planet fitness next to a cliff Starting the Freedom trail in Boston First stop was covered in scaffolding Selfie at Boston common park Graveyard selfie Caught in the act In the city! Samuel Adams grave Kings chapel Freedom trial marker First public school house Old city hall is a restaurant now Old meeting house Freedom trail was very well done Old buildings and new buildins Nice day in Boston Big meeting house Supposedly America’s oldest tavern Paul Revere’s house Paul Revere’s neighbors Paul Revere’s statue Lantern steeple Nice view of the city along the trail Another graveyard So many pictures Fog rolling into the city Boston Harbor USS Constitution She’s such a tourist Selfie time World War II era destroyer Now you stand there… Nice warship More reading Almost done the freedom trail Another skyline shot Famous Regina’s Pizza Gotta get a Sam Adams! Great pizza Riding the Boston metro Starting the whale watch Chilaxing on the boat Gotta give the people what they want Nice view Looking for the whales The boat was not too busy thankfully Another gorgeous day Cape Ann Whale Watch Getting colder Won’t see any whales in this fog Found a seal Our first whale! A large finback whale Everyone trying to see the whale They provided lots of education about the whales too Great shot Shelby! This whale kept diving and returning every 5-10 minutes Looking for more whales Cape Ann Whale Watch Another whale, this one was a Humpback They exhale at the surface A seal was also watching the whale We only saw these two whales The only decent whale pic I got on my phone, can you spot it? Shelby the photographer back at it Our last view of the humpback whale diving Returning to port The whale watching was a success The route from the whale watch Off to Salem We did not actually go in in any museums here Interesting factoid This was probably in a movie I’m being told it was in Hocus Pocus Last house remaining from the original witch trials Starting a series: “The photo behind the photo” OMG don’t knock! Witch trial memorial Shelby recognized this one She really likes her reading Apparently this hotel is haunted Not sure if this is important or not The Bewitched statue Cool church This house was also in Hocus Pocus I guess Shelby is really into this stuff The house of seven gables Nathaniel Hawthorne’s birthplace